Orange, Rum & Cabernet Franc Icesyrup

Orange, Rum & Cabernet Franc Icesyrup

20ml Light Rum

20ml Dark Rum

5 ml Triple Sec

1pc lemon wedge (squeezed)

2-3 pieces of Flamed Orange Zest

10 or 15 ml of Cabernet Franc Ice Syrup


Pour all of the ingredients into a rock glass and squeeze the lemon into it. Flame the peels of orange to get that characteristic in the drink, and run peels around the rim before putting them in the glass. Stir and serve on the rocks.

Susur Lee

"I am proud to support such an exceptional & innovative Canadian product."

Susur Lee

Master Chef

Ice Syrup Media
Ice Syrup Wins Premier's Award for Excellence

Ice Syrup Wins Premier's Award for Excellence