Papaya with Shrimp and Curry Mayonnaise

Papaya with Shrimp and Curry Mayonnaise


1 cup mayonnaise

¼ tsp ginger

½ tsp curry powder

1 tbsp Vidal Ice Syrup

1 tsp lime juice

Combine all ingredients, whisk until smooth, and chill.

  • 2 ripe papayas
  • 1 head of lettuce
  • 1 ½ lbs (750ml) fresh, cooked shrimp

Peel and slice papayas, arrange on lettuce with shrimp. Top with curry mayonnaise.

Lynn Ogryzlo

“Exetremely versatile ice syrup is another one of Niagara’s defining gourmet gems”

Lynn Ogryzlo

Food Columnist

Ice Syrup Media
Ice Syrup Wins Premier's Award for Excellence

Ice Syrup Wins Premier's Award for Excellence